# International Montessori Community IMC
## Montessori Schools, educational institutions, and companies worldwide.
Register/LogIn and check out the Locations, Activities, Services, and more of Schools, institutions, and especially also Homeschool families.
### The International Montessori Community IMC with its Montessori World College provides Montessori schools worldwide with a central online space, communities, and many other great features.
Every user of the International Montessori Community IMC can be a member of one or more spaces. Each space has a “Stream” like a private profile and an “About” page but can also have a “Wiki”, or a “Calendar” to show events and opening hours as well as other institution-related information, and people can show interest or join, and it includes with iCal export and recurring events, a “Gallery” with “Albums”, a “Task Manager” to keep track of internal tasks, a complete “Meeting Manager” with reminders, participants, agenda and protocol functionality, “Polls” and much more. It provides a way to have “Free Video Group Chats” incl. screen-sharing functionality with others, and more features to come. If you are the school director or owner, you can claim your space and manage it as your own! Please contact us - via PM (check out our internal messaging) or via email at [info (at) montessori-international (dot) com](mailto:
[email protected] "Mail to Montessori International Community IMC"). This project was a long time planned, but thanks to COVID and much fewer foreign contracts we suddenly had much more time to focus on it. It was born out of the simple need to find Montessorians worldwide that met our needs and to meet other educators, parents, students, and like-minded people worldwide who support our goal to make Montessori accessible and affordable for all. Being in Phuket for meanwhile nearly twenty years and have realized that most Montessori schools do not even have a proper website, we hope that Montessori X College will help to attract even more people to visit one of the Schools in the near future and let the Montessori Idea thrive even more.
## Montessori X - the “leading sister project” of the International Montessori Community, IMC
**Supporting [Montessori X](https://montessori.college "Link to the Montessori X College") will directly help to get also all features and improvements to this site and application.**
**All-Inclusive Montessori Education for All** should not be a dream anymore. Our goal with the International Montessori Community IMC is to make Montessori education affordable and accessible again for all people, teachers, and children. **Let’s Rebase Montessori, so**, so it suits the needs of those in need and encourages a transformation to a peaceful world. Equity and Inequality are problems caused by the huge gap between those who have money and those who try to simply survive daily is getting wider and wider and only education will change the world to “living, living, (Lyrics from Michael Jackson’s Heal the World) Watch, Listen, and Get Inspired by this excellent Maria Montessori make living, a [documentary by BBC](https://youtu.be/TXqeTYHn0p4 "Montessori Documentary by BBC"), and some more [inspiring insights](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-35253290 "Montessori Insights by BBC") to start with. Please [Join Our Efforts](https://mariamontessori.xyz/membership/)!
## Web Application Development for Communities
If you or your organization requires its own website, take a look at our template repository for all kinds of businesses and causes which can all be transferred to be also a church, school, community, shop, private, ... web application. Each of those layouts has a Landing, Home, About, and Contact Page and Google Translate integrated, as well as 3-4 other pages, i.e. Blog, Services, Classes, Portfolio, … and you can add many more. Optional a Shop or Events management or a social community, as well as a proper translation system to create search engine relevant translations of your content, can be added free of charge when setting up the site (this does not include the design changes which might be necessary for a specific template if that template does not provide it already.)
### [The Divine Garden of Web Development](https://divigarden.com/divi-layouts/ "Link to the Divine Garden of Web Development")
Layouts at [DiviGarden.com](http://DiviGarden.com) come as is incl. hosting for one year (for those who book now until 31 December 2022!!), this includes regular security updates of the system and all plugins we installed as well as a max of 5 GB space for only 5000 THB (renewal in November 2022 for the calendar year 2023 is 5000 THB/year). Content can be created via a free mobile app. Over 240 Layouts are waiting to be filled with your content. It will take about 1 day to set up your site, and then you can start editing and entering your text and images (you can also reuse all images of those layouts!). All sites come with GDPR COPPA compliance features and a Free SSL certificate. [Check it out!](https://divigarden.com/divi-layouts/ "Divine Garden Layouts")
[](https://divigarden.com/divi-layouts/ "Divine Garden layouts")
We create web applications based on Moodle, Mahara, WooCommerce, TYPO3, Drupal, Processwire, and WordPress, … Welcome here! Montessori X Team