Hallo Montessori Centre - 哈羅蒙特梭利幼兒中心

Macao | Horizon Gardens | 2020

About the Space
\ ![](https://scontent.furt1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/s960x960/92130776_110221593974362_7494601593740853248_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=e3f864&_nc_ohc=439tKj6szI4AX_GY8HJ&_nc_oc=AQlIDk7oR1qHwu7q491EPnT1ltpVfrV_PVJ7jKUn-aWUK2dn8zCqTWTvJclVab21Kk4&_nc_ht=scontent.furt1-1.fna&oh=00_AT_w1PrJ1zZBCop-93f-_KfSHdE8kO5Be-H2edcRwLYTrQ&oe=62278EDD) The Hallo Montessori Early Childhood Education Centre in the heart of Taipa is scheduled to meet you in July 2022. The center adopts the professional concept of Montessori education and currently offers IC early education classes for children aged one and a half to three years old and CASA preschool education classes for children aged three to six years old. 位於氹仔中心的哈羅蒙特梭利幼兒教育中心計劃於2020年7月與大家見面。中心採用蒙特梭利教育專業理念,現階段開設一歲半至三歲幼兒IC早教班以及三歲至六歲幼兒CASA學前教育班。 General Information: * **founded:** 2020 --- ### Language(s): * **spoken:** English --- ### Online: * **Montessori Meet:** HALLOCENTRE * **Website:** * **Phone:** +85328568750 * **Email:** [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) --- ### Social Media: * Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/哈羅蒙特梭利幼兒中心-Hallo-Montessori-Centre-110218090641379](https://www.facebook.com/哈羅蒙特梭利幼兒中心-Hallo-Montessori-Centre-110218090641379) * Instagram: * LinkedIn: * Line: * Twitter: * Youtube: --- ### Address: >> Map * Macao R. de Seng Tou, 319-325, Flat E, G/F, Block 21, 23, Horizon Gardens * 成都街319-325號濠景花園 第21,23座 地下E室 * 5H53+6R Taipa, Macao --- ### Opening Hours: * Mon-Sun: 24/7/365 --- ### Contact: #### Board of Directors: * #### Executive Committee: * #### Founders and Past Presidents/Board Members * --- ### Legal Registrations and Affiliations: * School Registration No: * ### AMI certified or approved Teachers: * ### other Montessori Certified Teachers, i.e. AMSusa, MMI, … * ---


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