Chapter 14 - Subject Index
* Abdomen, measurements of the, [386](
* Abnormal types of man, [94](
* Abortion due to syphilis, [157](
* Akkas, stature of the, [108]([09](
* Acromegalia, [154](
* Addison's disease, [154](
* Albinism, [329](
* Anatomical points, [361](, [373](, [374](, [378](, [385](
* Anger, expression of, [279](
* Angles, facial, [269](, [381]([382](
* Anomalies of buccal apparatus, [336](
* of ear, [333]([335](
* of eye, [333](
* of eyebrows and beard, [331](
* of hair, [330](
* of nose, [335]([336](
* of pigment, [329](
* of teeth, [336](
* of thorax, [300](, [301](
* of wrinkles, [329](
* Antecedents of pupil, [405]( *et seq.*
* near biopathological, [407](
* remote, [406](
* sociological, [411](
* Anthropological form used in New York Juvenile Asylum, [421](
* Anthropology, criminal, [4]([11](
* defined, [1](
* physiological, [11]([14](
* technique of, [361]([387](
* Anthropometer, [362]([363](
* Ape, brain of, [229](
* Arms, total spread of, [69](, [74](, [310](, [367](
* Arrest of development, [145]([170](, [295](
* due to alcohol, [156](
* due to infant illnesses, [162](
* due to malaria, [160]([161](
* due to pellagra, [161](
* due to rickets, [164](
* due to syphilis, [157](
* Asymmetry, cranial, [196](, [372](
* facial, [271](, [282](, [346](, [383](
* functional, [271](
* Biographic chart, Commune of Bologna, [431](
* of Italian reformatories, [432](
* Pastorello's, [420](
* Sergi's, [429](
* Biographic history of pupil, [404](
* pedagogical advantages of, [441](
* of an idiot boy, [431]( *et seq.*
* Birth-marks, [329](
* Brachycephalic races, [214](
* Brachydactylism, [317](
* Brachyscelia, [82]([91](
* Brain, chemistry of, [247](
* convolutions of, [221]([223](
* embryonal development of, [220]([221](
* morphological normality in relation to age, [237](
* rhythm of growth of, [225]([227](
* volume of, [229](
* weight of, [224](
* Brunettes, suppressed, [324](
* Buccal apparatus, anomalies of, [336](
* Calf of leg, absence of, [311](
* Carnet maternel, [174]([175](, [273](
* Cells, animal, [43](
* vegetable, [43](
* Cephalic index, [207]([220](
* at different ages, [217](
* for Italy, [214](
* nomenclature, [210]([211](
* Cephalometry, [370](
* Cephaloscopy, [370](
* Cerebral development, influence of biological factor upon, [255](
* influence of economic conditions, [253](
* influence of exercise, [254](
* Cerebral hypophysis, [152](, [153](
* Cervical pleiades, [157](
* Chameprosopic face, [263](, [265](
* Chiromancy, [312](, [318](
* Childbirth, dangerous modern, [307](
* Children's Houses, [123]([124](, [138](, [143](, [280](, [288](, [422](, [423](, [443](
* Chinese, civilization of, [91]([92](
* psycho-ethnic character of, [77](
* Chromatic charts, Broca's, [321](
* Circumference, axillary, [385](
* of cranium, [233]([242](, [376](
* submammary, [385](
* of thorax, [368](, [385](
* Club-foot, [312](
* Convolutions of the brain, [222]([223](
* Coordinates, [394](
* Craniology, [186]([283](
* Craniometric points, [373]([374](
* Craniometry, [370](, [373](
* Cranioscopic norms, [371]([372](
* Cranioscopy, [370](
* Cranium, animal, [189](
* bones of human, [187]([188](
* characteristics of human, [191]([192](
* measurements of, [369]([385](
* morphological evolution of, [197](
* of new-born child, [197](
* normal forms of, [202](
* ossification of, [200]([201](
* varieties of:
* acrocephalic, [207](, [374](
* beloid, [205](
* clinocephalic, [207](, [372](
* cuboid, [205](
* cymbocephalic, [372](
* ellipsoid, [203](
* ovoid, [203]([204](
* oxycephalic, [372](
* pentagonoid, [204](
* plagiocephalic, [196](, [372](
* platycephalic, [205](
* rhomboid, [204](
* scaphocephalic, [196](, [372](
* sphenoid, [205](
* spheroid, [205](
* trapezoid, [206](
* trigonocephalic, [371](
* volume of, [220]([259](, [377](
* Criminals, non-violent, types of, [101]([102](
* violent, types of, [102](
* stature in, types of, [101](, [103](
* Cubic index, Broca's, [377](
* Curves, De Helguero's, [460](
* Deformations, definition of, [344](
* due to field labour, [121](
* due to mining, [121](
* due to school benches, [122](, [302](, [307](, [349](
* due to stone-breaking, [121](
* Degeneration, signs of:
* abnormal frontal diameters, [384](
* kinky hair, [330](
* polytrichia, [330](
* precocious wrinkles, [330](
* united eyebrows, [331](
* social causes of, [6](
* Dentition, record of first, [410](
* Diameter, biacromial, [385](
* bigoniac, [379](, [383](
* bimammillary, [385](
* bizygomatic, [379](, [383](
* of cranium, maximum antero-posterior, [374](
* Diameter of cranium, maximum transverse, [375](
* minimum frontal, [384](
* vertical, [375](
* of thorax, antero-posterior, [385](
* transverse, [385](
* Diameter of cranium, increase of maximum, [231](
* measurement of, [374](
* Diastemata, [337](
* Diet of children, [127](
* Dimensions of the body at different ages, [146]([147](
* Dismimia, [282](
* Dolichocephalic races, [214](
* Dystrophies, toxical, [162](
* Ear, anatomy of, [334](\
anomalies of, [333]([335](\
handle-shaped, [346](\
Morel's, [335](\
Wildermuth's, [335](
* Education of new-born child, [442](
* Electricity, effect on growth of stature, [139](
* Embryo, development of human, [45](, [72](
* Embryonal face, [272](
* Environment, adaptation to, [79](\
influence of, [415](\
Enzymes, [154](, [155](\
Ludwig's theory of, [42](\
Epilepsy, [136](\
a factor in criminality, [445](\
treatment of, [446](\
Error, personal, [387]([390](, [457](\
Eurafrican race, [214](, [270](\
Eurasian race, [79](, [214](, [323](\
Evolution, theories of, [46]([50](\
Exophthalmia, [333](\
Experimental sciences defined, [23](\
Expression, facial, [276]( et seq.\
Extra-social types, [103]([105](\
Eye, anomalies of, [333](\
Mongolian, [333](\
Eyebrows, oblique, [331](\
united, [331](\
Face, chameprosopic, [262](\
embryonal, [272](\
evolution of, [272](\
human characteristics of, [260](\
leptoprosopic, [262](\
limits of, [259]( *et seq.*\
mesoprosopic, [263](\
orbicular, [263](\
skeleton of, [188]([189](\
symmetry of, [383](\
Facial norm, [378](\
Family monograph, Le Play's, [452](\
Final causes, [40]([42](\
Fingers, proportion between, [316](\
Flat-foot, [311](\
Fontanelles, cranial, [197](\
Form, the, [67]([75](, [361]([369](\
canons of the, [74]( et seq.\
definition of, [69](\
fundamental laws of, [69](\
Freckles, [329](\
Frontal index, [232](\
Galloway, stature of Scotchmen of, [108]([109](\
Gastrula, [45](\
Generation, hygiene of, [173](, [176](\
Genius, man of, [264](, [469](, [476](\
Germinal potentialities, [63](, [64](\
Gigantism, [104](\
Glands of internal secretion, [151]([155](, [163](, [164](\
Goniometer, Broca's, [382](\
Gray hair, [326](, [330](\
precocious, [330](\
Growth, defined, [81](\
effect of psychic stimuli on, [140]([145](\
need of heat for, [132](\
of brain, due to alimentation, [245](\
due to cerebral exercise, [245](\
in woman, [227](\
rhythm of, [225](, [226](, [227](\
of head, rhythms of, [274](\
of limbs, [309](\
of neck, [282](\
of pelvis, [306](\
of stature, [112]([114](\
of thorax, [294](\
Hair, curly, [327](, [328](\
form of, [327]([329](\
kinky, [327](, [328](\
pigmentation of, [323]([325](, [327](\
smooth, [327](\
vortices, [330](\
wavy, [327](, [328](\
Hair-roots, line of, [330](\
Hand, the, [312]([319](\
dimensions of, [315](\
functional characteristics of, [316](\
in figurative speech, [313]([314](\
in relation to other dimensions of the body, [315](\
psychological types of, [314](\
Heart, the, [285](\
Heredity, phenomena of, [50](\
Hexadactylism, [317](\
Hybridism, human, [60]([65](, [78](, [79](, [351](, [467](, [471](\
phenomena of, [51]([67](\
Hygiene of generation, [173](, [176](\
Hymn to bread, [126](\
Hypermimia, [281](\
Hypersthenic type, De Giovanni's, [99]([100](\
Hyposthenic type, De Giovanni's, [96]([98](\
Hypothyroidea, [153](\
Ichthyosis, [329](\
Index, cephalic, [207]([220](, [376](\
of ear, [380](\
facial, [380]([381](\
of nose, [380](\
ponderal, [368](\
of segments of limbs, [310](\
of sexual mass, [257](\
thoracic, [299](, [385](\
of visage, [263](\
vital, [296](, [368](\
Indices, formula of, [367](\
Individual liberty of pupil, [123](\
Infantile atrophy, [153](\
types, [147]([151](\
Infantilism, [146]([164](\
due to alcohol, [156]([157](\
anangioplastic, [162](\
due to denutrition, [162](\
dystrophic, [155]([162](\
hereditary causes of, [155](\
hypertrophic, [162](\
myxedematous, [153](, [155](\
pathogenesis of, [151]( *et seq.*\
due to syphilis, [157](, [158](\
due to tuberculosis, [159](\
Intelligence, human, what it is, [252](\
human, how to diagnose it, [253](\
cerebral volume in relation to, [250](\
Invagination of cells, [43](\
Iris, pigmentation of, [325](\
Italians, stature of, [110]([111](\
Japanese, stature of, [110](\
Joints, loose and stiff, [311](\
Juvenile delinquents, antecedents of, [413](\
psycho-physical character of, [413](\
teachers' notes on, [414](\
Knock-knees, [312](\
Kyphosis, [303](, [306](\
Latium, young women of, [65](, [78](, [111](, [216](, [466](\
Leg, calf of, [311](\
curvature of, [312](\
Leptoprosopic face, [262](\
Liberty of children, [144](\
Light, effect on growth of stature, [136](, [138](\
Limbs, the, [308]([319](\
growth of, [309](\
index of segments of, [310](\
malformations of, [310](\
measurement of, [386](\
Limitations of mass, [40]([42](\
Little's disease, [312](, [408](\
Livi's charts, [110](, [393](\
Lordosis, [303](, [306](\
Lungs, the, [286]([287](\
Macrocephaly, [243](\
Macrodontia, [337](\
Macroglossia, [338](\
Macroplastic type, [119](\
Macroscelia, [77](, [88](\
Malformations, [331]([350](\
distribution of, [344]([350](\
of cranium, [195]([6](\
of limbs, [310](\
origin of, [355](\
synoptic chart of, [332](\
Marie's disease, [154](\
Marriage, proper age for, [118](\
precocious, [117](\
Maternal diaries, [409](\
Mean averages, [391](\
Measurement of abdomen, [386](\
of cranium, [375]([377](\
of face, [378]([385](\
of limbs, [386]([387](\
of stature, [362]([366](\
of thorax, [385](\
of total spread of arms, [367](\
Medial man, theory of the, [65](, [454]([470](\
Mediterranean race, [79](, [214](, [264](, [270](, [323](\
Melanosis, [329](\
Mendel's laws, [50]([59](\
Mesoprosopic face, [263](\
Metabolism, [40]([42](, [124](\
Method, importance of, in experimental sciences, [23]([30](\
Methodology, statistical, [391]([403](\
Microcephaly, [243](\
Microdontia, [337](\
Microphthalmia, [333](\
Mongolians the most brachyscelous race, [77](\
Monkey-like traits:\
flat hand, [317](\
lack of certain lines in palm, [318](\
Monkey-like, long forearm, [310](\
thin lips, [336](\
Morphological adaptation of hand, [314](\
combinations, De Giovanni's, [65](\
evolution of cranium, [197](\
Morphology of body at various ages, [146]([147](\
of the brain, [247](\
importance of, [338](\
Mortality, curve of general, [115](\
infant, in relation to vital index, [296](\
in Italy, [293](\
Morula, [44](\
Mother's love, psychic stimulus of, [142](\
Multicellular organisms, formation of, [42]([46](\
Muscles of head and face, [277]([278](\
of thorax, [285](\
Mutations, De Vries' theory of, [47](\
Myxedematous idiocy, [153](\
Nails, the, [317](\
Nanism, achondroplastic, [103]([105](\
Neanderthal skull, [192](\
Neck, the, [282]([283](\
Norm, facial, [378](\
frontal, [372](\
lateral, [372](\
occipital, [372](\
of profile, [379](\
vertical, [371](\
Nose, anomalies of, [335]([336](\
Nutrition, influence of, on school children, [418](\
Oligodactylia, [316](\
Onycogryposis, [317](\
Orientation, line of, [265](\
Orthognathism, [268](, [271](\
Ovum, human, [44](\
Palate, cleft, [272](\
ogival, [338](, [352](\
Palms, lines of the, [318](\
Papillary lines, [319](\
Paralysis, infantile, [408](\
Parasites, social duty towards, [168](\
Parasitism, stigma of, [314](, [317](\
Peasant, class stigma of, [271](, [326](, [346](\
Pedagogical method, need of reform in, [123](, [144](, [302](\
Pellagra, symptoms of, [161](\
Pelvis, [304]([307](\
growth of, [306](\
rotation of, [307](\
sexual differences in, [305](\
skeleton of, [304](\
Personal error, [387]([390](, [457](\
Photogenic conditions, [136]([138](\
Phototherapy, [136](\
Pia Barolo society, [131](\
Pigments, the, [320]([331](\
during growth, [323](\
Pigmentation of hair, [326](\
of iris, [325](\
of skin, [325](\
Pigmy races, [109](\
Pithecanthropus, skull of, [192](\
Plagiocephalic cranium, [196](, [372](\
Plagioprosopy, [271](, [383](\
Platyopic profile, [271](\
Playthings, children's natural contempt for, [143](\
Pleasure, expression of, [279](\
necessary to human existence, [141](\
Polytrichia, [330](\
Polydactylism, [317](\
Ponderal index, [181](\
evolution of, [183](, [184](\
method of computing, [181]([183](\
Pregnancy, too frequent, [173](\
Profile, Egyptian, [270](\
Greek, [269](\
low types of, [271](\
norm of, [379](\
proopic, [271](\
Roman, [269](\
Progeneism, [267](, [385](\
Prognathism, [267](, [268](, [385](\
Prophatnia, [385](\
Prosopometry, [379]([385](\
Prosoposcopy, [378]([379](\
Protoplasm, [38](\
Psychic stimuli, effect on health of children, [144](\
test, De Sanctis', [425](\
Puberty, change in pigments at, [323](, [326](\
growth of jaw at, [274](\
of limbs at, [310](\
of nose at, [274](\
influence of climate on, [135]([136](\
of cold on, [132](\
of direct sexual stimuli on, [131](\
of heat on, [135](\
of nutrition on, [130]([132](\
of psychic stimuli on, [134](, [141](, [142](\
repose preceding, [115](\
of Russian girls, [135](\
of women of Lapland, [135](\
relation of growth of brain and face to, [230](\
Pulmonary capacity, [288]([294](\
Quétélet's binomial curve, [398](\
Race, Eurafrican, [214](, [270](\
Mediterranean, [79](, [214](, [264](, [270](, [323](\
Rachitic rosary, [302](\
Racial types in Europe, different characteristics of two principal, [353](\
Rewards and punishments, fallacy of, [123](, [144](, [432](, [441](, [443](\
Rhythm of brain growth, [232]([236](\
of facial growth, [274](\
of stature, triennial, [113](\
Rickets, [97](, [103](, [164]([166](, [244](, [268](, [296](, [302](\
fœtal, [103](\
School benches, deformations due to, [122](, [302](, [307](, [349](\
records, [411](\
School-sanatorium, [160](\
Scientific philosophy, Morselli's, [21](\
Sea-shore, benefit to children, [136]([137](\
Seriation, [396](\
importance of, [455](\
Sexual education, [356](\
function, dignity of the, [126](\
morality, [117](, [126](, [473]([476](\
Sitting stature, [365]([366](\
at different ages, [85](\
Skeleton, human, [71]([72](\
articulations of, [107](\
of face, [188]([189](\
of limbs, [308](\
of pelvis, [304](\
Skin, the, [320]([344](\
Solitary confinement, [141](\
Sorrow, expression of, [278](\
Space, empirical relation to stature, [139](\
Specific gravity, of body, [178](\
of brain, [229](\
Spirometry, [288]([294](, [385](\
Stature, [106]([171](\
of abnormals, [167](\
according to sex, [80]( *et seq.*\
of American children, [128](\
brachyscelous type of, [75](\
cycle of, [363](\
definition of, [70](, [106](, [362](\
in relation to dimensions of thorax, [295]([297](\
effect of nutrition on, [124]([132](\
of erect position on, [120](\
of heat on, [132]([136](\
essential, [73](\
mean average, of European, [459](\
growth in, during first year, [112]([113](\
index of, [84](, [366](, [367](\
involution of, [114](\
of Italians, mean average, [392](\
Stature, Livi's charts of, [110]([111](\
macroscelous type of, [76](\
maximums and minimums, compared\
with cranial circumference, [238]([242](\
measurement of, [362](\
parabolic curve of, [112](, [114](\
pathological variations of, [145]([170](\
of rachitic children, [165](\
racial limits of, [108]([111](\
in relation to sex, [111]([112](\
rhythm of, [86](\
summary of, [170]([171](\
terminology of, [110](\
total, at different ages, [85](\
triennial rhythm of growth of, [113]([114](\
types of, [67]( *et seq.*\
abnormal, [91](\
according to age, [81](\
in art, [80](\
according to race, [77](\
according to social conditions, [79](\
summary of, [105]([106](\
variations in, according to age, [112]([118](\
according to seasons, [138](\
due to mechanical causes of adaptation, [119]([124](\
night and morning, [119](\
transitory, [120](\
Sterility of dwarfs and giants, [104](\
due to precocious marriage, [117](\
due to work in rice-fields, [121](\
Stigmata of degeneration, [342](\
among beggars, [348](\
among orphans, [348](\
Stimulants poisons for children, [127](\
Studious children, denutrition of, [185](\
physical inferiority of, [25](, [159](, [185](, [293](\
Sun-baths, [137](\
Superiority, social, [258](\
of women, moral, [259](\
Suprarenal capsule, [152](, [154](\
Surprise, expression of, [279]([280](\
Syndactylism, [317](\
Syphilis, abortion due to, [157](\
symptoms of, [157]([158](\
Tasmanian, civilization of, [92]([93](\
most macroscelous race, [77](\
Teacher of the future, the, [360](\
of abnormal pupils, [449](\
responsibility of the, [116](\
Teeth, anomalies of the, [336](\
first and second dentition, [336](\
Temperaments, De Giovanni's doctrine of, [12]([14](\
Thermal gymnastics, [133]([134](\
Thermic conditions of schools, [132]([135](\
Thoracic index, [299](\
perimeter, [368](\
Thorax, the, [284]([303](\
anatomical parts of, [284]([286](\
anomalies of shape of, [301](\
descent of, [294](\
dimensions of, in relation to stature, [295](, [297](\
growth of, [294](\
measurement of, [385](\
physiological importance of, [286](\
shape of, [299](\
triangulation of, [295](\
Thought, expression of, [280](\
Thymus gland, [152](, [153](\
Thyroid gland, [152]([153](\
Toe, opposable big, [311](\
Tongue, the, [338](\
Total spread of arms, [367](\
Tuberculosis, [291](\
Type of civilized man, [468](\
Uvula, double, [338](\
Vertebral column, normal curves of, [107]([108](\
Visage, index of, [263](\
normal, [262](\
Roman, [263](\
Vital index, [296](, [368](\
Voice, education of the, [287]([288](\
Warmth, fallacy of demoralizing effect of, [133]([134](\
Weight, the, [172]([185](, [368](\
of brain, [224](\
the, as exponent of health, [172](\
of new-born child, [172](\
of child, effect of too frequent pregnancy on, [173](\
of child, effect of mother's age on, [173](\
child's gain in, [174](\
and growth of separate organs, comparative, [180](\
child's loss in, significance of, [176](\
increase according to sex, [179](\
Women, fallacy of pretended cerebral inferiority of, [256](\
Wrinkles, anomalies of, [329](\
precocity of, [326](, [329](